Is it so wrong of me to want the old Christmas decorations out? You know, I want the decorations that I grew up with out. Not any of this new stuff mom wants to replace the classic stuff with.
I guess when I move she won’t argue with me wanting to take the old nativity scene, and my elves, and the rocking horse music box and dancing Santa.
But anyway, I just put out the old nativity scene. As usual I added a few things to it. Agent Scully is coming to worship the baby Jesus, along with Darth Maul. Lando is helping attend the sheep. Skeletor rode in on camelback. Stitch is playing a song on his Elvis guitar. Brak is waving to Jesus. And not 3 kings, but 5 kings have come to give gifts – besides the normal 3, King Aragorn and King Arthur have come as well!

Skeletor on the camel is cracking me UP
Mom will make me move most of it when she gets home, but right now it rocks.
(ETA: She never made me take it down. It stayed like that all christmas)
Goblin!Frodo went and worshipped the baby Jesus in my nativity last year. This year I’m sending Malfoy and a dinosaur.
ROTFL!! That’s way too priceless…
I want to see a picture!